Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Gikuyu, Embu, and Meru Association (GEMA) want to remind the Agikuyu, Embu and Meru people that they are Gema Kenyans. The Gema communities have always known that they are Kenyan Gema hence Country first. Gema was created to advance the social and political needs of peoples descended from the mythological figure Mumbi: the Gikuyu, Embu, and Meru peoples. It was founded in 1971, with an economic arm, GEMA Holdings. GEMA was formally registered by Attorney General Charles Njonjo by the instructions of the then president  Jommo Kenyatta. Njonjo himself became opponent of the group and in 1976 charged some of its members, including Kihika Kimani and Njenga Karume, with treason: the order was soon rejected by the president, Jommo Kenyatta. Other prominent GEMA figures included Dr. Njoroge Mungai.
GEMA was formally banned in 1980, although it is believed to have continued to function as Agriculutural and Industrial Holdings Ltd. During its existence in the 1970s it was widely associated with moves to change the constitution of Kenya in an attempt to prevent the, then Vice-President, Daniel Arap Moi, gaining automatic succession if the president became indisposed. 
Central Kenya Mps  called a Gema meeting at Limuru last week. Much of the discussion was mainly on Icc cases and 2012/13 politics. The biggest question to this organisation still remains, What happened to the Social objective of the Original Gema? During Election year in December 1992, The Agikuyu people living outside central province mainly in Rift valley were Chased away from their land/homes in a trend that has repeated itself in December 1997 and later 2007. Gema did nothing in safeguarding 'its people'. The Dec 2007 IDPS ( Internally displaced people) are still suffering in their makeshift camps and the Gema leadership has done nothing about their plight. Who is then the real Gema if it is not the people? 
 The Gema people just like other Kenyans across the nation want an to see better leadership and development in this great country. Tribal politics have more harm on local communities in a bigger scale than on tribal politician. The message to the Gema leaders is very clear, No one want tribal politics in a nation of more than 42 tribes. Kenya Belongs to Kenyans. 

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